Friday, March 20, 2009

Who is Prof. Wit?

"Who is?" is really a BIG question, for it is the first step to a relationship and/or communication. It is the identity question that men of thought and literature talk about a lot. This is why we begin with an introduction to the character that is intended to initiate the topics of this blog.

Prof. Wit is the persona (I'll write sth abt this later, just as I hope to write abt every term I italicize) that I created to speak up my mind. Like every other writer, I will pretend that he is not the me that I want to be, not the personal version of the self-image just presented with some comic strokes as a self-ridiculing caricature, mostly loaded with wise sayings that sometimes sound quite humorous. I should conventionally deny that he is me -- but not because I am afraid that his daring words and attitudes might be attributed to me (It's a free country, isn't it?) or not because I feel shy to be that bold (You yourselves wish to be, don't you?).

I am the writer; that's it. I should put on the mask and pretend that what he says is not mine, and you are the participating addressees who should listen and comment, pretending that you believe the "lie." That is the charm of illusion.

Yet, we break the rule of the game and we suppress that glamorous charm the very moment I drop the mask of the artist and put on the glasses of the critic to unveil the hand of the theorist puppeteer. Still, I won't go on distorting the fascinating
of defamiliarization. From now on, it is Prof. Wit that is going to talk and I am to shut up and listen (bt not always; good 4 me).

now, back to ur seats and cheer up cuz it's show time.

1 comment:

david santos said...

Thanks for your posting and have a nice day!!!